Green College Blog

The Green College Players

Green College Staff

We can’t wait to get back to evenings of live theatre with the Green College Players.

Who are the Green College Players?

The Players is the College's theatrical company that mounts a performance each year, which is acted, directed, produced and designed by members of Green College.

Path to Glory

Green College Staff

Have you walked the Path to Glory? This oil painting of the squash clubhouse that sits next to Green College is titled just that. “Path to Glory” was painted by David Walker (Professor Emeritus in the Department of Chemistry) in 2003.

Unfortunately, David Walker passed away on October 9th, 2020.

'City Full of Dreams': A Conversation with Kamala Todd and GC Leading Scholars

Green College Staff


I wish I had been counting the number of times Kalama Todd said the word “lands” in her 45 minute talk. The quantitative value of that number might have indicated, more than any qualitative words I might write here, the importance of land to Todd’s work and her talk, presented at Green College on February 16 and entitled ‘Confront Colonialism and Racism in the Post-Pandemic City: Lessons for Educators’.

A (Virtual) Home Visit at Green by the Resident ‘Dissident Doctor’

Green College Staff


The way we treat pregnant women and their babies, according to Dr. Michael Klein, is important in many ways, not least of which is that the way society regards childbirth is a marker for its values.

Dr. Klein joined the Green College virtual Coach House on February 11 to give a talk entitled ‘Childbirth for Grandparents: Childbirth as a Metaphor’ as part of the Senior Scholars series which displays the life stories of the community’s accomplished and diverse scholars as they reflect on the twists and turns they’ve taken.

Interview with a GC Resident Member: Jane Kuznetsova

Green College Staff


Jane Kuznetsova is in the second year of her PhD in Language and Literacy Education at UBC. She holds a Master’s in Humanities Computing from the University of Alberta and a combined Specialist degree in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics from Lomonosov Moscow State University. Her current focus is particularly in games-related education and her research interests include systematic portrayals of romance and intimacy in games and digital media, mechanical representations of psychological trauma in games and subversions of player agency.

An Existential Moment for Theatre

Green College Staff


“We want to see down your throat,” said Colleen Murphy. “Or at least I do.”

No, the situation Murphy was describing wasn’t a doctor giving you a laryngoscopy. She was talking about the nature and role of theatre during and after a pandemic. When three-dimensional live theatre becomes translated onto a two-dimensional screen as it has during the COVID-19 pandemic, the intensity, the operatic tone, the putting of grief and fury into a safe place, must become more, well, in your face.

Interview with a GC Resident Member: Hallah Kassem

Green College Staff


Hallah Kassem is in the first year of her Masters of Science in Population and Public Health at UBC. She graduated with a Bachelors in Applied Science in Public Health and Safety from Ryerson University. She is in her first year of residence at Green College.

*This is a transcript of our conversation on January 6, 2021. It has been edited for length and clarity.
